Monday, February 9, 2009


The other day I went shopping at a well-known vegetable market for some 'maters and avocado. I happened to notice next to the cashier a bin of greenish/brownish peas marked "DuBois peas-$1.89 lb". I asked the cashier "what are these? I've never heard of them before? She replied "Well, them there are DewBoys peas from up around Chumukla."
"I think you pronounce the name Dew-Bwa."
"Say what? Dew-WHAT?"
"I said it's pronounced Dew-Bwa."
She walked around her counter, leaned over real close to the peas and said "Sure ain't spelled like "bwa", is spelled like "boys".
"Well, it's a French name DuBois...DuBwa."
She looked at me rolling her eyes "Well if you say so..."
So I asked her "So how do you cook DuBois peas?"
"Well, first you blanch the DUBWA peas......."


1 comment:

  1. Crud(ge), I wonder if she also had DuBay nuts (a favorite with squirrels in the fall) to sell?
