Monday, February 2, 2009

First post

Hi there !
(Wow! How lame is that? )

OK...well....Hello all.
(I don't think so) see...this is my first try at blogging, and, well...I'm a LITTLE NERVOUS.
(You're pathetic)

OKOKOK....I wouldn't be here if it wasn't on a dare I could care less about blogging I've got way better things to do places to go people to meet I don't need to do this I'm a bz guy important things to do every day helping the world so why do a blog nobody reads nobody would read my drivel anyway I mean I'm not James Joyce my shrink says I have an inferiority complex but he only says that because he hates me I know he does does does does %&#$##$&......#$%&+#
(I'm better now)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome, neophyte, to the acediac world of blogging. Not to worry, Crudge--with constancy in misspelled words, incorrect grammar, nonsensical ideas, non-solicitation of money, and repulsive behavior--something like what appears in your first blog--you'll do just fine. I look forward to your expression of thoughts and experiences. And I bet your shrink thinks you're cute.

    -Ye Old Gargoyle
